Making Meaning
Each week, subscribers to my newsletter receive a curated set of the articles that I've found most helpful. Here's a taste from this week's newsletter:
"In Zen culture, impermanence is a constant theme. They would have agreed with Hemingway that the world tries to break the rigid and the strong. We are like cups — the second we are made we are simply waiting to be shattered — by accident, by malice, by stupidity or bad luck. The Zen solution to this perilous situation is to embrace it, to be okay with the shattering, perhaps even to seek it out. The idea of wabi-sabi is precisely that. Coming to terms with our imperfections and weaknesses and finding beauty in that...Not unbreakable. Not resistant. Because those that cannot break, cannot learn, and cannot be made stronger for what happened...Not unbreakable. Instead, unruinable."
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”